Tuesday, June 29, 2010
LAnd !!
TAsik KEnyir~ Exotic Flora and Fauna & Cristal Clear with Mirror like Water^.^
On the date of 30th December 2009 to 2nd January 2010 University Sains Malaysia had organized a beneficial study trip to Tasik Kenyir which located in the interior of Terennganu. Various field researchers and scientists were offered and specially selected for the study field. The outreach programme in Tasik Kenyir was very successful and indeed a perfect knowledge gain experiences which most of the postgraduate participants ever had in USM. I was lucky and unexpected to get to join some proffesor and briliant academician..
The Tasik Kenyir with areas of over 209,199 hectares in the middle of Terengganu is well known for the largest man–made lake in South East Asia. More than 14 waterfalls, 340 islands with numerous geological surfaces and environments the lake is also home for various exotic flora and fauna besides serving as perfect holiday location for city dwellers from their hectic lifestyle.
To be continue......in July...Check out again ....Something more scary...
Sunday, June 27, 2010
" A tourist heaven"-Penang & PBLS
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Globall warming a Serius issues nowadays...
Friday, June 25, 2010
Environmental Pollution (Brief essay)-by Chew A.W.
Environmental pollution is one of the major problems the world faces today. It is an issue that troubles the government and society all around the globe in terms of economically, physically and our daily lives. Besides that the contamination of the environment is also being linked to some of the diseases that are around currently. Yet, most people do not know about such problems. This signifies that environmental pollution is becoming an increasingly worse problem that needs to be taken care of as soon as possible, not only for the good of the environment but also for those who live in it.
There are several types of environmental pollution for instant, the noise, heat, light, water and chemical substances are getting polluted days by days. However the three major pollutions which worldly recognized are the water, air and land pollution. The release of chemicals (organic and inorganic) and particles from industries and factories causes the water, air and land pollution. The surface runoff, liquid spills, waste water discharge and leakage into groundwater are the main sources for water pollution. Illegal dumping of waste into the rivers, seas and other water system also add to the seriousness of water pollution. Toxins, chemicals, industrial waste and oil spill are all major sources to land pollution. Not to neglect the waste (domestic waste and industrial waste) produces by ‘us’ (humans) which are not properly disposed and causes the open dumping and over populated landfills also contribute to soil pollution.
Indeed many factors are present for why environmental pollution has become such a large issue in the world. This is because such drastic changes due to the environmental pollutions such as depletion of ozone layer, global warming and climate change are happening in the world nowadays. Not to mention the continue increase of extinction in exotic flora and fauna in the rainforest and other parts of the world. Problems like acids rains due to air pollution which corrodes the infrastructure and pose great loses in economic terms and resources (natural or manpower) to the affected countries. Others like diseases due to contamination also reported by various researchers globally. Furthermore pollution of the environment can go as far as to cause an ice age or even the complete melting of the polar ice caps, which would flood many coastal areas around the world. Both of these instances will have apocalyptic consequences if they were to occur, but scientists have reason to believe that both are possible if pollution continues to grow and does not receive any attention
However, if everyone were to address the issue it would definitely help both the environment and all life forms as there are many activities that can be done by both the common citizen to the governments of the world, which could severally improve the world’s environmental problem. Green earth projects and others efforts should be supported by everyone which would at least help to improve the situation nowadays.
Overall, this shows how serious it has become when it comes to the contamination of the environment, a possible end to the world all because of the lack of consideration of the environment and activities by humans themselves. Therefore more creative efforts should be implemented to reduce the environmental pollutions. By helping the earth in stopping the pollution in this way, one is not only helping the environment but, also himself.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Friday, June 11, 2010
PDV6000 Keypad Operation steps
Press Enter to select, navigate using UP and DOWN.
Press Reset to cancels current operation / page and also to return to main menu.
heavy metals--Plate then Conditioning- carbon clean .....
"SELECT METAL" - metals-concentration 10,50, 200ppb chose- "RUN WASH"-"BLANK CHECK"-"RUN STANDARD"
Turn off.
So simple!!!!!! Use ten times and you will remember forever (because it is dam slow)Tak dapat baru call saya ok?
Procedures methods of Using Trace Metals Analyser (PDV6000 pluS) as requested by...
Not For Copy paste in THesis or Assignments. Please Modified again if need for the use of other application (Any consequences will not be responsible by the author if catch of plagarism) Thanks-
Metals Analyser The Proper Procedures By: CHEW A.W.
Initial work Reference electrode preparation
- First-Removed thewhite cap from the reference electrode (White Colour top).
Secondly soak the reference electrode frit by placing the electrode in to a clean analysis cup containing 10 ml of distilled water or 1M KCL (reference electrolyte) for at least 1 hour, preferably overnight. - Ensure the electrode rod is dark brown to black colour or else replating is needed. (mostly needed) Replater will follow back the replating process in the reference book page 50.
- After the frit has been hydrated, fill the reference electrode with fresh reference electrolyte.
BEFORE each DAY’S work
Inspection is needed before go to preparation and setup of reagents and samples.
1. Electrode inspection and preparation. (DO NOT connect the equipment to electricity while doing these following step—because open circuit will occur and damage the equipment)-Expanive you know!!
a) Removed all caps (red, blue and white) from the three electrodes.
b)Always ensure the reference electrode (White top) is full of reference electrolyte.
c) Ensure no bubbles in the electrolyte.
d) For the glassy carbon working electrode (blue top) make sure the tip is shiny balck colour, no cracks,no hole or dirt. Rinse it in distilled water and polishing it with supplied polishing kit. ( recommended that the glassy carbon be dipped for 60 seconds in 2M sodium Hydroxide solution (NaOH) and rinse with deionized water.
e)Counter electrode reuired no preparation (No need).
f) Take off the cap from the electrode holder and insert the three electrodes into the corresponding colour by attaching with correct connectors. (DO NOT TOUCH THE
2 Then only come to Instrument setup. (General knowledge – I teach you already or refer to the CD short clips))
3 Sample Preparation ( IMPORTANT!!)
a) Raw sample need electrolyte to ensure efficient conductivity ( more like plating process application)
b) dilution if for stand alone case is in ratio of 1:1. ( maximum fill in cup analysis is 20ml++)
c)At this step: Please refer to the application notes in the white folder file which I kept. (Because in it contains different metals application and different dilution for it)
d) example: 10 mL raw sample + 10 mL electrolyte in analysis cup.
4 Standard Preparation
a)When using PDV 6000 plus,is best chose standard concentration that is nearest to the expected concentration range. (above or below the target limit)
b) Remind ( very helpful for use please remember 100ppb = 0.1 ppm)
c) Please refer to this I test it and more accurate: (also refer to the papers application in folder)
I. Required standard concentration: 10 ppb; Electrolyte volume will be: 20 ml; 20ppm stock standard volume need is : 10 µL
II. Required standard concentration: 50 ppb; Electrolyte volume will be: 20 ml; 20ppm stock standard volume need is : 50 µL
III. Required standard concentration: 200 ppb; Electrolyte volume will be: 20 ml; 20ppm stock standard volume need is : 200 µL
IV. Required standard concentration: 800 ppb; Electrolyte volume will be: 19 ml; 20ppm stock standard volume need is : 800 µL
V. Required standard concentration: 2000 ppb; Electrolyte volume will be: 18 ml; 20ppm stock standard volume need is : 2 µL
VI. Required standard concentration: 8000 ppb; Electrolyte volume will be: 12 ml; 20ppm stock standard volume need is : 8 µL
Noted that all of the standard solution be used is only 10 times, after 10 times must prepare a new standard or else YOUR RESULTS will be not accurate (differ widely from expectation- I was shocked when 1st time use as I am the 1st to used it in whole University Science Malaysia, the testing took me months to get it right)
Then follow as below steps to run the detection of metals ion concentration.
FOR THE VAS/ STANDALONE CASE PDV 6000 plus (meaning only the analyzer without connecting to electricity source by only using batteries)
FIVE MAIN STEPS: (For field work)
1) Sample preparation
2) Electrodes preparation
3) Running blank
4) Analyzed standard of known concentration
5) Analyzed samples
These procedures is also similar to the VAS when PDV 6000 plus is attached to your laptop or PC.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Think twice before you stay longer in the open air in any city of Africa especially the west Africa!!!
Please noted that the author is seriously prohibit plagiarism of any information cited in the Blog Posting whereas recommended that anyone in need of information please kindly email to host or post your enquiries and suggestion and commend or criticism here! Needed information and advised will be answered when message is received.
Scientific approach in West Africa discovered that the air quality is very poor and if you stay there probably after 10 more years you will be contaminated if you have low immune system and worst case lung disease, cancer and many more will come to you (this is not Justified-Just speculation based in opinion ha ha NO Offence Please!). Such a place is only suitable for short visit and wild animals viewing.
The proofs conducted by Olade (1987) showed that the Pb emissions in air at ground level are higher than for cities like London (UK) and New York. However is similar case as Brazil or Carribbean. Not to mentioned nowadays must be more worst!
It is also reported that the dust there in the densely populated areas of the city like Lagos is contaminated with Pb as high as 800 µg/gm. Road side soils also contained 70-100 µg/gm of Pb. (Pb here is mean Lead). The City roads are said to generally untarred thus imagine if accidentally inhaled those dust and air. .Many source of air pollution can be found there as mentioned by Olade (1987) such as industrial emissions, power plants (near urban areas-can visit and see by yourself-anonymous opinion!), disposal of natural gas flaring is widely practiced in Nigeria (Oil-fields- such example in city of Port Harcourt).
Olade (1987) available at:
“ http://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&q=cache:pAsv_2GbpQgJ:dge.stanford.edu/SCOPE/SCOPE_31/SCOPE_31_2.15_Chapter20_335-341.pdf+Metal+Pollution&hl=en&gl=my&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEESgTjnDOpiMHcnMhVp-g5GMc7JQcuMQdFBpbfyIEsBWe92sdVjg52z6yGumIl8f2pc3C9k_yu5c0IdvdtrJMLJLa0AVslhjiaN1GvyvOzRrWtW-QzNgtxB1R_gWPB5MgCGmL8_A0&sig=AHIEtbRqY-QuushMhqzqyOqkPE4pChSnbg “
As for water pollution is my specialty where proofs is numerous. Don’t drink untreated water there (raw groundwater and raw surface water is totally prohibited-Chew (2010).
According to literature review and study showed that in Africa certain area with several small industry (batteries, paint manufacturing and petroleum refining, cement and many more......)There is no centralized sewage systems (even if nowadays there is rather very few exist or even none-Don’t take any risk –by anonymous) and industrialized effluents usually discharged into streams, lagoons, open drains,and other water systems untreated with high concentration of HEAVY METALS (Pb, Cd and Cu in some localized area). At Ibadan area is contaminated by Pb (Mombeshora et al., 1983).
MombeshoraC., Osinbanjo. O. and Ajayi, S.O. (1983) Pollution studies on Nigerian rivers: the onset of lead pollution of surface waters in Ibadan. Environmen. Int. 9: 81-84.
More can be found through this link: http://www.digitaljournal.com/article/263485
Below are just some partly relevant information on water contamination in Africa.
Reference can be obtained by self search based on given information in this " International Science Society ~Blog"
Happy readings to all !Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Produce Journals (scientific paper)-Guide for University Students and Researcher
Information written here is principally based on numerous studies and references which generic enough to encompass all disciplines. Below are references of Chew (2010) coming summary of how to write the proper and interesting well structured journal for publishing :
- Grossman, Micheeal (2004) writing and Presenting Scienctific Papers, 2nd edition, Nottingham University Press, (ISBN 1-897676-12-3).
- Davis, Martha (2005) Scientific Papers and Presentations, 2nd Edition. Academic Press (ISBN 0-12-088424-0) (available in elsevier)
- http://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/authorsview.authors/languageediting/guideforauthors
Any Ideas and comments please be happy to provide us for the future generation of scientis internationally.
Update of oncoming will be on July 2010.....