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Scientific approach in West Africa discovered that the air quality is very poor and if you stay there probably after 10 more years you will be contaminated if you have low immune system and worst case lung disease, cancer and many more will come to you (this is not Justified-Just speculation based in opinion ha ha NO Offence Please!). Such a place is only suitable for short visit and wild animals viewing.
The proofs conducted by Olade (1987) showed that the Pb emissions in air at ground level are higher than for cities like London (UK) and New York. However is similar case as Brazil or Carribbean. Not to mentioned nowadays must be more worst!
It is also reported that the dust there in the densely populated areas of the city like Lagos is contaminated with Pb as high as 800 µg/gm. Road side soils also contained 70-100 µg/gm of Pb. (Pb here is mean Lead). The City roads are said to generally untarred thus imagine if accidentally inhaled those dust and air. .Many source of air pollution can be found there as mentioned by Olade (1987) such as industrial emissions, power plants (near urban areas-can visit and see by yourself-anonymous opinion!), disposal of natural gas flaring is widely practiced in Nigeria (Oil-fields- such example in city of Port Harcourt).
Olade (1987) available at:
“ “
As for water pollution is my specialty where proofs is numerous. Don’t drink untreated water there (raw groundwater and raw surface water is totally prohibited-Chew (2010).
According to literature review and study showed that in Africa certain area with several small industry (batteries, paint manufacturing and petroleum refining, cement and many more......)There is no centralized sewage systems (even if nowadays there is rather very few exist or even none-Don’t take any risk –by anonymous) and industrialized effluents usually discharged into streams, lagoons, open drains,and other water systems untreated with high concentration of HEAVY METALS (Pb, Cd and Cu in some localized area). At Ibadan area is contaminated by Pb (Mombeshora et al., 1983).
MombeshoraC., Osinbanjo. O. and Ajayi, S.O. (1983) Pollution studies on Nigerian rivers: the onset of lead pollution of surface waters in Ibadan. Environmen. Int. 9: 81-84.
More can be found through this link:
Below are just some partly relevant information on water contamination in Africa.
Reference can be obtained by self search based on given information in this " International Science Society ~Blog"
Happy readings to all !
Good info